Refresh Family Church/Refresh Nation, our Father’s Day, “I AM THE ONE” Sunday, and Juneteenth Celebration will be held on Sunday, June 19th at 9am(ct)! Come dressed in your “I AM THE ONE” attire as we celebrate freedom and honor our fathers and our spiritual father, Bishop Stephen A. Davis!
Tag: #refeshfamilychurch
Kingdom Keys
As long as you’re under authority, you’re in authority. Authority is a kingdom key. Authority to bind and loose is an important kingdom key. Keys represent authority. God is not coming to bind what He gave you the authority to bind. It’s time for you to make an arrest with your authority!
Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.
#KingdomKeys #SundayWorship #RFC #BishopStephenDavis