Kingdom Power (Part 2)

You have to catch weariness before it matures because your blessing is one march away! Protect your strength/power during the process. Everything that’s quick isn’t God. Don’t allow the length of time, weary you!

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It’s Time For Kings To Go To Battle

Kings don’t withdraw in a time of battle. Kings show up. Never neglect the opportunity to help in a tough season. Trouble always puts a demand on the king. It’s time to represent your household and rise up!

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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Kings Recover What Was Lost

A king seeks to recover lost possessions. The word of God is your key and you have the authority to get your stuff back. You should be in recovery mode if you’re a king. Kings Recover All!

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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Kingdom Keys (Part 2)

Prayer offered in Kingdom Authority will cause a heavenly host to respond on earth. When the church prays, heaven comes to the place where you’ve been confined. We need heaven on earth!

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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Building A Strong Kingdom Part 2

When the kingdom is near the oppressed go free. Unbelief can divide a house or kingdom. Receiving makes you a recipient of power and authority. Demons that are assigned to your bloodline are subject to the authority of your life. Just BELIEVE!

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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Kingdom Rights Of An Heir Part 2

Many connections are through relationships. We have to be intentional about connecting with what God is already doing. Difficult questions are not to challenge you as much as it is the test before the investment occurs. The more we have, the more kingdom people want to add to that abundance. “‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance;…” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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Kingdom Provider

God used Abraham as a channel into the earth. The Kingdom of God cannot exist in the earth without a channel. Channel is a passageway, a means of access to a thing, a communication or an idea. If God isn’t providing, maybe we’re on the wrong channel. God is making you a Kingdom Provider. Don’t change the channel!

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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The Kingdom Of God Interrupts Cycles – Part 2

Physiologically we need some things to breakthrough. If you breakthrough physiologically then you’re going to breakthrough physically and spiritually. The Kingdom word attacks that cycle that keeps you stuck in the same pattern year after year. We have to break that cycle because God has more that He wants to get out of you but He can’t get it out of you until we interrupt those cycles. There is a breakthrough for you, prepare for that cycle to be broken TODAY!

Subscribe to the official Stephen A. Davis YouTube channel to stream our latest messages, sermons that spoke to you the most, and so much more.

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